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resetpass-no-info (Talk)You must be logged in to access this page directly.
resetpass-submit-cancel (Talk)Cancel
resetpass-submit-loggedin (Talk)Change password
resetpass-temp-password (Talk)Temporary password:
resetpass-wrong-oldpass (Talk)Invalid temporary or current password. You may have already successfully changed your password or requested a new temporary password.
resetpass_announce (Talk)You logged in with a temporary e-mailed code. To finish logging in, you must set a new password here:
resetpass_forbidden (Talk)Passwords cannot be changed
resetpass_header (Talk)Change account password
resetpass_submit (Talk)Set password and log in
resetpass_success (Talk)Your password has been changed successfully! Now logging you in...
resetpass_text (Talk)<!-- Add text here -->
resetprefs (Talk)Clear unsaved changes
restoreprefs (Talk)Restore all default settings
restriction-create (Talk)Create
restriction-edit (Talk)Edit
restriction-level (Talk)Restriction level:
restriction-level-all (Talk)any level
restriction-level-autoconfirmed (Talk)semi protected
restriction-level-sysop (Talk)fully protected
restriction-move (Talk)Move
restriction-type (Talk)Permission:
restriction-upload (Talk)Upload
resultsperpage (Talk)Hits per page:
retrievedfrom (Talk)Retrieved from "$1"
returnto (Talk)Return to $1.
retypenew (Talk)Retype new password:
reuploaddesc (Talk)Cancel upload and return to the upload form
rev-deleted-comment (Talk)(edit summary removed)
rev-deleted-diff-view (Talk)One of the revisions of this diff has been '''deleted'''. As an administrator you can view this diff; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
rev-deleted-event (Talk)(log action removed)
rev-deleted-no-diff (Talk)You cannot view this diff because one of the revisions has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
rev-deleted-text-permission (Talk)This page revision has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
rev-deleted-text-unhide (Talk)This page revision has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. As an administrator you can still [$1 view this revision] if you wish to proceed.
rev-deleted-text-view (Talk)This page revision has been '''deleted'''. As an administrator you can view it; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log].
rev-deleted-unhide-diff (Talk)One of the revisions of this diff has been '''deleted'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/delete|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} deletion log]. As an administrator you can still [$1 view this diff] if you wish to proceed.
rev-deleted-user (Talk)(username removed)
rev-deleted-user-contribs (Talk)[username or IP address removed - edit hidden from contributions]
rev-delundel (Talk)show/hide
rev-showdeleted (Talk)show
rev-suppressed-diff-view (Talk)One of the revisions of this diff has been '''suppressed'''. As an administrator you can view this diff; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].
rev-suppressed-no-diff (Talk)You cannot view this diff because one of the revisions has been '''deleted'''.
rev-suppressed-text-unhide (Talk)This page revision has been '''suppressed'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log]. As an administrator you can still [$1 view this revision] if you wish to proceed.
rev-suppressed-text-view (Talk)This page revision has been '''suppressed'''. As an administrator you can view it; details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log].
rev-suppressed-unhide-diff (Talk)One of the revisions of this diff has been '''suppressed'''. Details can be found in the [{{fullurl:{{#Special:Log}}/suppress|page={{FULLPAGENAMEE}}}} suppression log]. As an administrator you can still [$1 view this diff] if you wish to proceed.
revdel-restore (Talk)change visibility
revdel-restore-deleted (Talk)deleted revisions
revdel-restore-visible (Talk)visible revisions
revdelete-concurrent-change (Talk)Error modifying the item dated $2, $1: its status appears to have been changed by someone else while you attempted to modify it. Please check the logs.
revdelete-confirm (Talk)Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with [[{{MediaWiki:Policy-url}}|the policy]].
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